
Reziliencia workshop

A reziliencia és a vallás összefüggéseiről tanácskoztunk Bögre Zsuzsával, László Tamással, Tornya Erikával, Figus-Illinyi Ritával és Máté-Tóth Andrással.

Policy paper workshop

Erdőtarcsán tartottuk a policy paper író workshopunkat, melynek során mindannyian elkészítettük a kutatási témánkra vonatkozó, nagy nyilvánosságnak szánt állásfoglalásunkat.

Christian Popular Music in Central and Eastern Europe
(2022. 07. 03.)

Online Symposium

Vallás és szekuritizáció
(2021. 10. 11.)

Máté-Tóth András és Szilárdi Réka tanulmányának vitája.

Postcolonial theories
(13-15. 01. 2020)

Said's theory can be relevant for an understading of Central and Eastern European collective identity. Introduction by Csilla Gyöngyösi.

Threatened collective identity
(04-06. 11. 2019)

Workshop about Theories and applicability of threatened collective identity. in collaboration with Dr. Sára Bigazzi, asistant professor at the Departement of Social Psycology and Zsuzsa Happ, PhD candidate in University of Pécs.

Borderline Personality Disorder
(07-09. 10. 2019) 

Workshop about Borderline Personality Disorder and its applicability for collective identities. 7th of October, Szeged. in collaboration with Szilvia Kakuszi, clinical psychologist, University of Szeged. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 

Wounded Collective Identity
(02. 09. 2019)

The region Central and Eastern Europa will be understood by András Máté-Tóth as wounded. His recent publication was used as fundation for the special perspective of the research group.