Gabriella Guth

Research director

Dr. Gabriella Guth (née Turai) is the scientific research director of the project "Wounded Words in Central and Eastern Europe." The project aims to provide an overview of the region's contemporary fiction about the literary strategies of coming to terms with the traumatic past and the literary resources of securing coexistence.

The project will last two years (July 2021 - June 2022). The main concrete areas of activity are:

  1. The selection of writers and works relevant to the topic from all subregions (10-12 persons) of East-Central Europe.

  2. The preparation and realization of interviews with the selected authors based on a standardized guide.

  3. The summary of the results in a scientific article in a peer-reviewed journal.

Dr. Guth's work has accountability at the end of each quarter to the head of the research group. Her collaboration in the Research Group is voluntary based on reimbursement and occasionally remuneration.